Women Photograph is thrilled to introduce our class of mentees for 2022!
The program will pair 24 industry leaders (12 photographers and 12 photo editors, curators, and educators) with 24 early-career photojournalists over the course of a year. Mentors include editors & photographers from The Wall Street Journal, TIME, Reuters, and the National Gallery of South Africa, among others.
We received more than 1,000 applications this year and the selection process was incredibly difficult, but we're proud to announce this year’s mentees. You can find their websites and social media handles below. Thank you to our selection committee of former mentors Michaela Skovranova, Thea Traff, Nina Berman, Natalie Keyssar, Natalia Jimenez, Marie Monteleone, Kirsten Luce, Kendrick Brinson, and Andrea Bruce!
Anouchka Agbayissah — Togo + Benin + France
anouchka-agbayissah.com | @anouchka.agbayissah
Cebisile Mbonani — South Africa
cebisilembonani.com | @cebi07_creative
Chris Trinh — Lebanon
christhaotrinh.com | @christhaotrinh
Elijah Ndoumbe — South Africa
elijahndoumbe.com | @elijahndoumbe
Erin Fender — USA
cargocollective.com/erinfender | @freelatrelle
Ester Pérez — Spain
esterperezberenguer.com | @ester_perez_berenguer
Esther Sweeney — Kenya
esthersweeney.com | @sweeney_queen
Fatima Tuj Johora — Bangladesh
fatimatujjohora.com | @fatimatujjohora
Harsha Pandav — India
harshapandav.com | @harshagram
Jade Thiraswas — USA
jadethiraswas.com | @jadethiraswas
Kang-Chun Cheng — Kenya
kang-chun-cheng.format.com | @takeme.north
Lexi Parra — Venezuela
lexiparra.com | @lexigraceparra
Lilit Danielyan — USA
lilodanielyan.com | @lilit.alma
Maritza Lavín González — Mexico
solanalavin.myportfolio.com | @maritzalavin
Mirjam Stenevik — Norway
mirjamstenevik.com | @mirjamstenevik
Misper Apawu — Ghana
Naina Helén Jåma — Sápmi + Norway + Sweden
nainahelen.com | @nainahelen
Ofir Berman — Israel
ofirberman.com | @ofirberman
Samira Kafala — Netherlands
samirakafala.com | @samirakafala
Stephanie Simcox — Australia
stephaniesimcoxphotography.com | @stephaniesimcox
Tamara Saade — Lebanon
tamarasaade.com | @tamarasaade_
Tenzin Dolker — USA
tenzindolkerphotography.com | @the_solicitude
Tina Hsu — South Korea
tinahsustudio.com | @imtinahsu
Yan Zhao — Hong Kong
yanzhao.visura.co | @ayanchiu
2022 Women Photograph Mentors:
Carolina Cardich, Peru
Diana King, USA
Esther Horvath, Hungary + Germany
Lottie Davies, UK
Mengwen Cao, USA
Michelle Loukidis, South Africa
Miora Rajaonary, Madagascar
Ng Swan Ti, Indonesia
Sarah Pabst, Argentina + Germany
Smita Sharma, India
Tamara Abdul Hadi, Iraq + Canada
Tanya Habjouqa, Jordan
Maïa Booker, The Wall Street Journal
Whitney Matewe, TIME
Andrea Wise, ProPublica
Candida Ng, AFP
Sara Rumens, The Times
Joanna Milter, The New Yorker
Corinne Perkins, Reuters
Sana Ullah, National Geographic Society
Anna Goldwater Alexander, WIRED
Renee Melides, The New York Times
Ingrid Masondo, National Gallery of South Africa
Veronika Châtelain, Open Society Foundations